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MedInfo 2017 Proceedings is now available online

We are pleased to share the announcement that the MedInfo 2017 proceedings is now online at . MedInfo 2017: Precision Healthcare through Informatics is available as an open access eBook and there is an option to purchase as a print addition for a charge. PubMed indexing for the proceedings is also available.

IMIA extends their sincere gratitude and appreciation for all of the hard work and dedication provided by the MedInfo 2017 Editorial Chair, Adi V. Gundlapalli and Editorial Committee members, Marie-Christine Jaulent and Dongsheng Zhao, the many student editors and the MedInfo 2017 LOC. As most of you know, the publication of the Proceedings for MedInfo’ s is achieved predominantly by volunteer time. There were unprecedented obstacles in publishing the MedInfo 2017 proceedings, which required much more than anticipated volunteer time and commitment. Thank you to all.

International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA)
c/o Health On the Net
Chemin du Petit-Bel-Air 2
Chêne-Bourg, Geneva 1225