The German Association for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (GMDS) e.V. promotes teaching, research and health care and therefore offers documentary, informational, biometric and epidemiological methods as a "cross-sectional subject" to all medical disciplines.
The activities and topic-related work of the GMDS are mainly carried out in:
Working Groups (WG) - Working groups have predominantly methodologically oriented focal points.
Task Groups (TG) - Task groups have the task of linking the methodological knowledge of the departments, sections, project groups and working groups with the various medical specialties. They are intended to promote applications and foster interdisciplinary cooperation with the medical associations.
Project Groups (PG) - Project groups are the predecessors of working groups, whose work ends when the tasks are completed or no later than three years after their establishment. If necessary, project groups can be transferred to working groups.
Presidium Commissions (PC) - Presidium Commissions are established by the Presidium for special tasks.
Working Groups
- Ambient Assisted Living and Assistive Health Technologies (AAL)
- Archiving of Medical Records (AKU)
- Medicines Information Systems (AIS)
- Biomedical Informatics
- Consumer Health Informatics (CHI)
- Medical Informatics Curricula
- Data Management in Clinical and Epidemiological Trials
- Data Protection and IT-Security in the Health Sector (DIG)
- Decision Support in the Health Sector
- Epidemiology of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases
- Epidemiological Methods
- FAIR Data Infrastructures for Biomedical Informatics
- Health Technology Assessment
- Infectious Disease Epidemiology
- Information Systems in the Health Sector (KIS)
- Information Processing in Nursing Care
- AI in Diagnostics
- Clinical Workplace Systems (KAS)
- Cancer Epidemiology
- Cancer Registry
- Laboratory Information Management (LIM)
- Teaching in Epidemiology
- Teaching and Didactics in Biometrics
- Mathematical Models in Medicine
- Medical Decision Making (MDM)
- Medical Image and Signal Processing
- Medical Terminologies and Classification (MTK)
- Medical Management (Medical Controlling, Quality Management, Risk Management, Process Management) (MMM)
- Methods and Tools for the Management of Hospital Information Systems (mwmKIS)
- Methodology of Systematic Reviews
- MI Teaching in Medicine
- Mobile Information Technology in Medicine (MoCoMed)
- Use of Electronic Patient Records for Clinical Research
- Paediatric Epidemiology (pEp)
- Pharmacoepidemiology
- Single Cell Data
- Standards for Interoperability and Electronic Health Records (SIE)
- Statistical Computing
- Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics
- Statistical Methodology in Clinical Research
- Technology-Supported Teaching and Learning in Medicine (TELL)
- Telemedicine
- Therapeutic Research
Project Groups
- Biometrics in the Ethics Committee
- Development, implementation and documentation of data processing workflows
- Data integration in systems medicine
- Psychological mechanisms of evidence-based decision-making
- Statistical methodology in non-clinical research, development and production
- Communication in science
Task Groups
- Surgery
- Digital Health in Paediatrics
- Epidemiology of the world of work
- Health Economics
- Human genetics
- Information processing in paediatrics and adolescent medicine
- Orthopaedics and trauma surgery
- Environmental medicine, exposure and risk assessment
Presidium Commissions
- Curricular teaching in medicine in the subjects of the GMDS
- Think Tank.DigiMED - Innovation Report
- Honorary memberships
- Ethical issues in medical informatics, biometry and epidemiology
- Health Strategy of the Federal Government
- Methodological aspects in the work of IQWiG and IQTIG
- Promoting young talent
- Further education in medical informatics for doctors
- Certificate "Biometry in Medicine"
- Certificate "Epidemiology"
- Certificate "Medical Informatics"
- Certificate "Medical Documentation"