- WG Conference Call on 12th October 2017, 2 pm.
- Meeting of the project group at the 62nd GMDS annual conference, 18th September 2017, in Oldenburg
- Contribution by M. Pobiruchin at the session Patient 4.0: Medicine in the digital society at the 62nd GMDS annual conference in Oldenburg
- PG Conference Call on 10th July 2017, 10 am.
- PG Conference Call on 30th May 2017, 2 pm.
- Re-launch of the survey on the use of fitness trackers among hobby runners during the 17th Trollinger Marathon in Heilbronn.
- PG members were present at the following events:
- May 2017: re:publica 2017 - Berlin
- April 2017: conhIT 2017 - Berlin
- PG Conference Call on 28th March 2017, 2 pm.
- 21st Conference of SAS Users in Research and Development (KSFE) on 9th/10th March 2017 in Krefeld. Our PG member M. Pobiruchin will give the opening lecture on the topic "From Dr. Google and Prof. App" on 09th March 2017.
- PG members got involved during the Night of Technology at Heilbronn University on 31st March 2017 with trial lectures on the topic of CHI
- PG Conference Call on 10th February 2017, 10 am.
- PG Conference Call on 8th December 2016, 2 pm.
- PG members were present at the following events:
- 18th November 2016: Meeting of the expert network for digital health #30under40
- 28th October 2016: 15th International Conference on - WWW/INTERNET 2016 - Panel "Health Services on the Net" from 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm, Room O133.
- 19th October 2016: Digitalisation of health care in Berlin
- 17th October 2016, 1 pm - 4 pm: In the jungle of healthcare applications - do we need a seal of quality?, Berlin.
- Round 2 of the Delphi Panel on "eHealth" has started!
- PG Conference Call on 26th October 2016 - 3 pm
- 5th - 7th October 2016: German Congress for Health Services Research in Berlin with a contribution on the topic of data protection in the use of health apps for research projects. The slides of the presentation can be found at [1].
- 6th October 2016, 6:30 pm: TEN - The e-Health Network in Heidelberg.
- Meeting of the project group at the 61st GMDS annual conference, 1st September 2016 from 3 pm - 5 pm at LMU Munich in room C022.
- Opportunities and Challenges of Consumer-centric eHealth Services – An Interdisciplinary Workshop - HEC2016, 31st August 2016, 3 pm - 4 :30 pm - LMU Munich, room A016
- PG Conference Call on 6th July 2016 - 2 pm
- The first responses to the patient survey (with the support of the German Cancer Society) on eHealth services, usage preferences and researching health-related texts on the Internet have arrived! We can expect exciting evaluations.
- During the Special Track "Social Media & Participatory Health" at the International Congress of Nursing Informatics we will present the CHI metamodel. We are looking forward to lively discussions!
- The PG contributed to the first working meeting of the Digital Health WG of the German Network for Health Services Research on 23rd June 2016 in Cologne.
- Presentation by Monika Pobiruchin on 22nd June 2016 - 7 pm as part of the GI regional group "IT Women in the Rhine-Neckar Triangle". Topic: After Dr. Google now Prof. App? - Opportunities and risks of health apps.
- The Heilbronn members of the PG will conduct a survey on the use of fitness trackers among hobby runners during the 16th Trollinger Marathon on 07th/08th May 2016. Stay tuned!
- re:health | re:publica - [2] on 04th May 2016 - 10 am to 7 pm in Berlin
- We are currently engaged in the German-language conceptualisation of "Consumer Health Informatics": consumers, service providers and technology put into context: Metamodel on CHI
- "Thank you very much!" to all participants in our survey on eHealth. Provided you have left us your contact details, we will get back to you as soon as possible.
- PG members participated in the conhIT satellite event of the GMDS and BVMI as part of the workshop X-Health for citizens and patients - new opportunities through disruption?! on 18th April 2016 in Berlin.
- PG Conference Call on 14th March 2016 - 3 pm
- Join the discussion and help shape the official Wikipedia article.
- PG Conference Call on 19th January 2016 - 3 pm
- PG Conference Call on 25th September 2015 - 10 am
- Meeting of the project group on 08th September 2015 - 3 pm - 5 pm at the GMDS annual conference in Krefeld - Room: H204 (Location: Building H)
- On site: Citizens' dialogue on health with Hermann Gröhe on 27th July 2015 - 5 to 8 pm in Krefeld
- MIE 2015-Workshop - 28th May 2015 in Madrid, Spain
- re:health | re:publica - [3] on 7th May 2015 - 10 am to 8 pm in Berlin
- conhIT-Session Innovative Healthcare IT on 16th April 2015 in Berlin
- conhIT-Session Health data from wearables, apps and smartphones - Why protect data when...? on 15th April 2015 in Berlin
- conhIT Satellite Workshop Health Software - More than Fitness Apps? 13th April 2015 in Berlin
- PG Conference Calls on 1st April 2015 - 10 am
- PG Conference Call on 3rd February 2015 - 2 pm
- PG Conference Call on 1st December 2014 - 2 pm
- Meeting of the project group on 08th September 2014 from 5 - 7 pm at the GMDS annual conference in Göttingen in room HS44