Awards & Honours

The WG Teaching and Didactics of Biometrics of the International Biometric Society, German Region (IBS-DR) and the German Association for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (GMDS) award 3 prizes for the best teaching materials in the subject Health Data Science 2020.


Health Data Science 2020

1st prize

Antonia Zapf & Sinan Cevirme
Contribution: “Einsatz von Audience Response Systemen in der Lehre“ 

2nd prize

Annette Aigner
Contribution: “Statistischer Humor im Unterricht“

3rd prize

Stefan Englert, Greg Cicconetti & William Randall Henner
Contribution: “Ein (didaktischer) Werkzeugkasten für ein effektives R Training“