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XtraTracks 2024 - D4L data4life

XtraTracks D4L data4life - 02. September 2024

Tim Walz (D4L data4life gGmbH) - D4L Collect: Empowering health research through real-world data


 Multiple factors influence our health and are increasingly covered by wearable devices to generate real-world evidence at a large scale, improve therapeutic approaches and outcomes, or help understand new determinants of health. With all this data available, common tools and processes to collect real-world data at scale or in remote settings often come to their limits. With D4L Collect, Data4Life builds a sensor data collection platform that supports researchers in planning, conducting, and managing large-scale digital studies in health research. The platform allows data from digital questionnaires and a wide range of sensors and wearables to be collected centrally and stored securely. This talk provides an overview of the features of the data collection platform as well as current use cases.

Vortragender: Tim Walz

 Tim Walz is Head of Operations at D4L Data4Life gGmbH. He currently leads the project management of SensorHub, a solution built on top of the D4L Collect platform, enabling researchers to design, conduct, and manage remote health studies of any scale. In previous roles, he served as a Technical Project Manager for Data4Life's contributions to the Network University Medicine's NUM-COMPASS project and the CovApp.


Datum: 02. September 2024
Beginn: 17:00 Uhr