- Presidium
- Office
- Advisory Council
- Divisions / Specialist Fields
- Section Committee / Section
- Working Groups, Project Groups, Task Groups, Presidium Commissions
- Presidium Commissions
President - 10/2023 - 09/2023
Recording secretary- 10/2023 - 09/2025
Committee Head Med. Informatics - 10/2024 - 09/2026
1st Vice President - 10/2023 bis 09/2025
Assessor - 10/2024 - 09/2026
Committee Head Med. Biometry - 12/2022 - 09/2026
2nd Vice President - 10/2023 - 09/2025
Assessor - 10/2024 - 09/2026
Committee Head Epidemiology - 10/2024 - 09/2026
Treasurer - 10/2023/ - 09/2025
Co-opt Assessor 10/2024 - 09/2026
Committee Head Med. Bioinformatics and Systems Biology - 10/2024 - 09/2026
Advisory Council
The Advisory Council of the GMDS is composed of the heads of the working groups (WG), the project groups (PG), the task groups (TG), the presidium commissions (PC), the presidium, the expert committees of the specialist fields (EC), the section committees of the sections (SC) and of up to three further members of the GMDS delegated by the presidium. Furthermore, the GMDS representatives for the societies of which the GMDS is a corporate member, as well as one agent from the societies, belong to the Advisory Board.
In some instances, the members of the advisory board hold several positions, which is why some people are listed more than once.
Working Groups
- WG Ambient Assisted Living and Assisted Health Technologies (AAL): Dr. Jonas Schwartze (Brunswick)
- WG Archiving of Medical Records (AKU): Andreas Henkel (Munich)
- WG Medicine Information Systems (AIS): Dr. med. Amin-Farid Aly (Berlin)
- WG Biomedical Informatics: Prof. Dr. Tim Beissbarth (Goettingen), Prof. Dr. Ulrich Sax (Goettingen), Benjamin Loehnhardt (Goettingen)
- WG Consumer Health Informatics (CHI): Dr. Monika Pobiruchin (Heilbronn)
- WG Datamanagement in clinical and epidemiological trials: Matthias Katzensteiner (Hannover)
- WG Data safety and IT-safety in the health care sector (DIG): Dr. Bernd Schuetze (Duesseldorf)
- WG Support in decision-making in the health care sector: Prof. Dr. Cord Spreckelsen (Jena)
- WG Epidemiology of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases: Prof. Dr. Marcus Doerr (Greifswald), Priv. Doz. Dr. Dhayana Dallmeier, Ph.D. (Ulm)
- WG Epidemiological methods: Kerstin Rubarth (Berlin), Dr. Nicole Ruebsamen (Muenster), Dipl.-Psych. Juliane Hardt (Hannover)
- WG Fair data infrastructures for biomedical informatics: Martin Golebiewski (Heidelberg)
- WG Health Technology Assessment: Dr. Alric Ruether (Cologne)
- WG Infectious disease epidemiology: Dr. Ralf Krumkamp (Hamburg), Dr. Veronika Jaeger (Munich), Dr. Heiko Jahn (Kassel)
- WG Information systems in the healthcare sector (KIS): Prof. Dr. Paul Schmuecker (Mannheim)
- WG Data processing in nursing care: Prof. Dr. Bjoern Sellemann (Muenster)
- WG AI in diagnostics: Dr. Holger Hennig (Rostock)
- WG Clinical workplace systems (KAS): Dr. Dipl.-Inf. Christof Seggewies (Erlangen)
- WG Cancer epidemiology: Dr. Sven Tiews (Soest), Dr. Dorothee Twardella (Munich)
- WG Cancer Registry: Msc. Philipp Kachel (Mainz)
- WG Laboratory Information Management (LIM): Dipl.-Ing. Eckard Mansfeld (Dresden)
- WG Teaching in epidemiology: Dr. Ursula Schlipkoeter, MPH (Munich), Brigitte Strahwald, (Erlangen), Dr. Andrea Schmidt-Pokrzywniak (Halle)
- WG Teaching and didactics in biometrics: Carolin Herrmann
- WG Mathematical models in medicine: Prof. Dr. Markus Scholz (Leipzig)
- WG Medical Decision Making (MDM): Prof. Dr. Uwe Siebert, MPH (Hall)
- WG Medical image and signal processing: Prof. Dr. Dagmar Krefting (Goettingen)
- WG Medical terminologies and classification (MTK): Prof. Dr. Josef Ingenerf (Luebeck)
- WG Medicine Management (Medicine controlling, quality management, risk management, process management) (MMM): Prof. Dr. Kurt Becker (Bremen)
- WG Methods and tools for the management of hospital information systems (MWM): Jan-David Liebe (Osnabrueck)
- WG Methods of systematic reviews: Dr. Kirsten Herrmann (Munich)
- WG MI teaching in medicine: Prof. Dr. Martin Dugas (Muenster)
- WG Mobile information technology in medicine (MoCoMed): Dr. Sebastian Fudickar (Oldenburg); Dr. Andreas Koop (Freiburg)
- WG Usage of elecorinic patient records for clinical research: Philipp Bruland (Ahlen)
- WG Paediatric epidemiology (pEp): Prof. Dr. Michael S. Urschitz (Mainz)
- WG Pharmacoepidemiology: Dr. Tania Schink (Bremen)
- WG Single Cell Data: Prof. Dr. Georg Fuellen (Rostock)
- WG Standards for interoperability and electronic health records (SIE): Prof. Dr. Sylvia Thun (Krefeld)
- WG Statistical Computing: Prof. Dr. Matthias Schmid (Bonn)
- WG Statistical methods in bioinformatics: Dr. Michael Altenbuchinger (Regensburg), Prof. Dr. Klaus Jung (Hannover)
- WG Statistical methods in clinical research: Dr. Verena Hoffmann (Munich)
- WG Technology-supported teaching and learning in medicine (TELL): Prof. Dr. Martin Haag (Heilbronn)
- WG Telemedicine: Dr. Christian Juhra (Laer)
- WG Therapeutic research: Dr. Anika Grosshennig (Hannover)
Project Groups PG Psychological mechanisms of evidence-based decision-making: PD Dr. Odette Wegwarth, Berlin
Project Groups
- PG Psychological mechanisms of evidence-based decision-making: PD Dr. Odette Wegwarth, Berlin
Task Groups TG working group Digital Health in paediatrics (WG DHP): Dr. med. Jan de Laffolie (Giessen), Prof. Dr. Rainer Roehrig (Aachen)
Task Groups
- TG working group Digital Health in paediatrics (WG DHP): Dr. med. Jan de Laffolie (Giessen), Prof. Dr. Rainer Röhrig (Aachen)
- TG Epidemiology of the working environment: Dr. Janice Hegewald (Dresden), Katarzyna Burek (Bochum)
- TG Health Economics: Prof. Dr. Uwe Siebert, MPH (Hall)
- TG Human genetics: Dr. Dmitriy Drichel (Cologne)
- TG Information processing in paediatrics and adolescent medicine: Dr. Bernd Graubner (Göttingen)
- TG Orthopaedics and casualty surgery: Dr. Christian Juhra (Laer)
- TG Environmental medicine, exposure- and risk assessment: Andre Conrad (Berlin), Dr. rer. nat. Kateryna Fuks (Oberschleissheim/Neuherberg), Stefanie Lanzinger (Ulm), Dietrich Plass (Berlin)
Presidium Commissions
- PC Curricular teaching in medicine in the subjects of the GMDS: Prof. Dr. Peter Schlattmann (Jena)
- PC Think tank DigiMED – innovation report: Prof. Dr. Alfred Winter (Leipzig)
- PC Ethical questions in medical informatics, biometry and epidemiology: Prof. Dr. Andreas J.W. Goldschmidt (Trier)
- PC Honorary memberships: Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Joeckel (Essen)
- PC Healthcare strategies of the federal government: Prof. Dr. Alfred Winter (Leipzig)
- PC Methodological aspects in the work of IQWiG and IQTIG: Prof. Dr. Tim Friede (Goettingen)
- PC Promotion of future generations: Dr. Christina Schuettler (Erlangen); Dr. Hannes Ulrich (Kiel)
- PC Certificate biometry in medicine: Prof. Dr. Meinhard Kieser (Heiderlberg)
- PC Certificate epidemiology: Prof. Dr. med. Antje Timmer (Oldenburg)
- PC Certificate medical informatics: Prof. Dr. Thomas M. Deserno (Braunschweig)
- PC Certificate medical documentation: Prof. Dr. Claudia Ose (Essen)
- President: Prof. Dr. André Scherag, Jena
- 1st vice president: Prof. Dr. Hans-Urlich Prokosch, Erlangen
- 2nd vice president: Prof. Dr. Harald Binder, Freiburg
- Treasurer: Dr. Irene Schmidtmann, Mainz
- Recording secretary: Claudia Fischer, Jena
- Assessor: Prof. Dr. Antje Timmer, Oldenburg
- Assessor: Prof. Dr. Rainer Röhrig, Aachen
- Committee Head Med. Informatics: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Sax, Göttingen
- Committee Head Med. Biometry: Prof. Dr. Antonia Zapf, Hamburg
- Committee Head Epidemiology: Dr. sc. hum. Jochem König, Mainz
- Committee Head Med. Bioinformatics and Systems Biology: Prof. Dr. Klaus Jung, Hannover
- Co-opted Assessor: Hildegard Lax, Essen
Expert Committees of Specialist Fields
- EC Medical Informatics
- EC Medical Biometry
- EC Epidemiology
- EC Medical Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
Deployed employees of the Presidium in accordance with §13 (1) of the GMDS statutes
- Head recording secretary "Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (MIBE)": Prof. Dr. Petra Knaup-Gregori, Heidelberg
- Head recording secretary "Methods of Information in Medicine (MIM)": Prof. Dr. Sabine Koch, Stockholm, Sweden
- Congress secretary of the GMDS annual conference: Prof. Dr. Martin Sedlmayr, Dresden