


President - 10/2023 - 09/2023

Prof. Dr.
André Scherag

Recording secretary- 10/2023 - 09/2025

Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Claudia Fischer

Committee Head Med. Informatics - 10/2024 - 09/2026

Prof. Dr.
Ulrich Sax

1st Vice President - 10/2023 bis 09/2025

Prof. Dr.
Hans-Ulrich Prokosch

Assessor - 10/2024 - 09/2026

Prof. Dr.
Rainer Röhrig

Committee Head Med. Biometry - 12/2022 - 09/2026

Prof. Dr.
Antonia Zapf

2nd Vice President - 10/2023 - 09/2025

Prof. Dr.
Harald Binder

Assessor - 10/2024 - 09/2026

Prof. Dr. med.
Antje Timmer

Committee Head Epidemiology - 10/2024 - 09/2026

Dr. sc. hum.
Jochem König

Treasurer - 10/2023/ - 09/2025

Irene Schmidtmann

Co-opt Assessor 10/2024 - 09/2026

Hildegard Lax

Committee Head Med. Bioinformatics and Systems Biology - 10/2024 - 09/2026

Prof. Dr.
Klaus Jung

Advisory Council

The Advisory Council of the GMDS is composed of the heads of the working groups (WG),  the project groups (PG), the task groups (TG), the presidium commissions (PC), the presidium, the expert committees of the specialist fields (EC), the section committees of the sections (SC) and of up to three further members of the GMDS delegated by the presidium. Furthermore, the GMDS representatives for the societies of which the GMDS is a corporate member, as well as one agent from the societies, belong to the Advisory Board.
In some instances, the members of the advisory board hold several positions, which is why some people are listed more than once.

Working Groups

Project Groups PG Psychological mechanisms of evidence-based decision-making: PD Dr. Odette Wegwarth, Berlin

Project Groups

Task Groups TG working group Digital Health in paediatrics (WG DHP): Dr. med. Jan de Laffolie (Giessen), Prof. Dr. Rainer Roehrig (Aachen)

Task Groups

Presidium Commissions


  • President: Prof. Dr. André Scherag, Jena
  • 1st vice president: Prof. Dr. Hans-Urlich Prokosch, Erlangen
  • 2nd vice president: Prof. Dr. Harald Binder, Freiburg
  • Treasurer: Dr. Irene Schmidtmann, Mainz
  • Recording secretary: Claudia Fischer, Jena
  • Assessor: Prof. Dr. Antje Timmer, Oldenburg
  • Assessor: Prof. Dr. Rainer Röhrig, Aachen
  • Committee Head Med. Informatics: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Sax, Göttingen
  • Committee Head Med. Biometry: Prof. Dr. Antonia Zapf, Hamburg
  • Committee Head Epidemiology: Dr. sc. hum. Jochem König, Mainz
  • Committee Head Med. Bioinformatics and Systems Biology: Prof. Dr. Klaus Jung, Hannover
  • Co-opted Assessor: Hildegard Lax, Essen

Expert Committees of Specialist Fields

  • EC Medical Informatics
  • EC Medical Biometry
  • EC Epidemiology 
  • EC Medical Bioinformatics and Systems Biology

Deployed employees of the Presidium in accordance with §13 (1) of the GMDS statutes